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Tag: lifestyle

Minimalism in the City vs the Country


There are SO many ways minimalism and simplicity can be looked at, and so many ways we can apply it to our living situation, whether it’s in the city or the country, or if you live in an apartment or a house.

While I’m currently in an apartment in the city, I’ve also lived in a house in the countryside. Below are a few things I’ve loved about living in each.

Living in the City

  • Using public transit, walking or biking to get around as we won’t need a car
  • We can work closer to our home as there are more job opportunities
  • Being close to the public library so we can borrow items instead of collecting books and dvds that add to our clutter
  • We don’t have to spend time tending to our lawns and gardens, but can spend a nice stroll in the park
  • The greater ability to meet likeminded people simply because there are more of them
  • We likely live in a smaller space (apartment, basement suite, smaller house) which means owning less stuff
  • Less need for purchasing indoor entertainment like a big screen TV or video games when we can go out to a concert or a movie

Living in the Country

  • Growing our own fruits and vegetables in our garden, which means less groceries to shop for
  • Entertainment options are farther away, so there is more motivation to do fun and free things at home
  • Everything moves at a slower pace and is more relaxing
  • A slower life means more opportunities to really connect with our close friends and family.
  • We likely live in a bigger space, so there is more opportunity to invite people over and spend quality time together
  • Enjoying the sights and sounds of nature
  • Less pressure of keeping up with the latest fashion trends in order to feel good
  • Not having to deal with constant shops, advertisement and consumerism surrounding you
  • Less tendency to eat out, and more cooking at home
  • More self-sufficiency and relying on what is available at home
  • More conscious or planned spending as you have to plan your shopping trips

What is your current living situation and how do you apply minimalism to it? Or if there is anything I’ve missed, please add to the list and comment below!

If there are any specific topics you’d like to hear more about, PLEASE let me know in the comments, or send me an email to lessoftheexcess at gmail dot com. I’d love to hear your suggestions!