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Tag: minimalism

Why I Am Not On Facebook And The Benefits Of It


“Distracted from distraction by distraction.”  – T.S. Eliot

I get asked all the time why I’m not on Facebook, so I thought I would share my thoughts with you. The main reason was that I was a compulsive user of Facebook. It was the ultimate distraction. I couldn’t even wait in line without checking the Facebook App on my mobile phone. I’d be going about my day and Status Updates would constantly pop into my head. It was a bad habit.

Facebook has also changed a lot since I first joined in 2007. It used to be a valuable tool for keeping in touch with people, but it turned into constant advertisements and people began only posting internet memes. I wasn’t getting any value from it. I also became uneasy about the level of privacy. On the personal side, I became uncomfortable with sharing information with people I hardly knew, and the idea of “Facebook Stalking” made me uneasy as I’m a private person. I felt like I didn’t have complete control of the information that was posted online about myself. Also, the fact that Facebook now owns the right to do anything they want with your data is frightening. Facebook caused more anxiety than real life did.

Lastly, Facebook felt very superficial to me. We always like to make our online persona our ideal versions of ourselves, so I felt when I was looking at my ‘friend’s’ pages, it wasn’t a real representation. I thought it was pointless as I would rather have real connections with the people in my life. I’m lucky that I avoid drama, but I could definitely see how it could be toxic for those of us who are drawn towards it. I fear what bullying is like for kids still in school.

I am fully aware of the benefits of social media – it’s extremely useful for keeping in touch with people, marketing, networking, job search and spreading information. But I prefer to rely on websites that are less personal and be a bit choosier on what info goes out.

So with that in mind, I gathered the contacts of the people I wanted to keep in touch with and decided to delete my account. I’m proud to say I’ve been Facebook Free for just over a year! This blog is about minimalism and getting rid of distractions in order to live a more meaningful life, and getting rid of Facebook was a great introduction into it.

It’s funny because at first I kept reaching for my phone only to realize there was no more Facebook App. And I (still to this day) unknowingly type “www.faceb…” into my internet browser only to realize halfway through I can’t log on. But aside from that, there were so many benefits that came out of getting rid of my Facebook account.

The 5 benefits of not being on Facebook:

  • More Time: One of the main benefits of not having Facebook is how much time I suddenly had. I was so much more productive! I could write more music, work on more projects and have more time to spend it with people I cared about. I could also spend more time enjoying the outdoors or cooking a delicious meal.
  • Deeper Connections with People: The second most important benefit I had was that the level of depth to my friendships and relationships increased. Without the ability to check in on how people were doing online, I was able to have real meaningful conversations, you know, like we did in the old days 😉
  • More Privacy: I had more personal privacy and control over the info that was posted online about myself, and I had privacy from the Facebook information thieves.
  • Living in the Moment: Being less fixated on the online world helped me to become more present and aware of my surroundings. I was able to truly enjoy the here and now.
  • Higher Self Esteem: There have been studies that Facebook makes us unhealthy, sad and jealous because we compare ourselves to others. Well I can say with confidence that it hardly comes up for me anymore as I can’t peer into anyone’s lives.

And finally, a wonderful song a friend sent me that is somewhat related. I’m quite enjoying Passenger. There are many songs about getting rid of distractions and the superficial world and more into meaningful, happy living.

“Scare Away The Dark”

Well, sing, sing at the top of your voice,

Love without fear in your heart.
Feel, feel like you still have a choice
If we all light up we can scare away the dark

We wish our weekdays away
Spend our weekends in bed
Drink ourselves stupid
And work ourselves dead
And all just because that’s what mom and dad said we should do

We should run through the forest
We should swim in the streams
We should laugh, we should cry,
We should love, we should dream
We should stare at the stars and not just the screens
You should hear what I’m saying and know what it means

To sing, sing at the top of your voice,
Love without fear in your heart.
Feel, feel like you still have a choice
If we all light up we can scare away the dark

Well, we wish we were happier, thinner and fitter,
We wish we weren’t losers and liars and quitters
We want something more not just nasty and bitter
We want something real not just hash tags and Twitter

It’s the meaning of life and it’s streamed live on YouTube
But I bet Gangnam Style will still get more views
We’re scared of drowning, flying and shooters
But we’re all slowly dying in front of computers

So sing, sing at the top of your voice,
Oh, love without fear in your heart.
Can you feel, feel like you still have a choice
If we all light up we can scare away the dark

I’d love to hear your thoughts on Facebook. Feel free to share them in the comments below or send me an email at lessoftheexcess at gmail dot com.

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What is Minimalism?


“Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it.” – Joshua Becker

In the past few months, I have really gotten into minimalism. I never knew that much about it but after learning the meaning behind it, it really resonated with me. There was a moment when I realized I had attained everything I wanted materially, but I still wasn’t happy. And when I was really honest with myself, I realized I was doing it more to impress other people instead of living the way that was consistent to what I wanted.

“We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.” – Dave Ramsey

So with this in mind, I got rid of fifty percent of my belongings, and moved into a studio apartment. And I was finally free! Free from what people thought about me. Free from worrying about finances. Free from feeling overwhelmed about having to constantly clean my place. And free from feeling society’s pressure to live a certain way. I was able to focus on what I really wanted in life and live it my way. I was actually happier with less stuff!

In our culture we are taught that the more we have, the happier we will be. Advertisements trick us into thinking we need something we don’t have. Or that we have to have the latest and the greatest in order to be happy. We are taught that life is about owning a bigger house, a nicer car, and wearing the best name brands.

We really need to question this way of living. These are constructs that don’t actually have any truth behind them. Studies show time and time again that rich people are not necessarily happy and there are people with hardly anything who are much happier.

What do you think of when you hear the word Minimalism?

Usually the first thing that comes into people’s minds is that minimalism is about owning the bare minimum and living very simply. But minimalism is much more than that. There has to be intention behind it. It’s about questioning what things add value to our lives. Getting rid of the physical and mental clutter and having more time to spend it on the people we care about, our passions, our health and giving back to society.

And of course, there isn’t anything wrong with owning things, it’s just about being mindful and conscious about why we want certain things. You might want a big house because you truly enjoy having a space for entertaining your guests because that is what makes you happy. Intention is key.

So, what is Minimalism then?

I would break it down to:

  • Living intentionally, mindfully and consciously. Pause for a moment before you go to the checkout counter – Do I really need this?
  • Keeping your priorities straight and in line with who you want to be.
  • Questioning society’s norms, and listening to that little voice inside you, regardless of what you think is acceptable.
  • Not being attached to things materially. Even if you lose everything you’ve got, you are still you.
  • Quality over quantity.

There are many levels of minimalism, from extreme (only owning 100 items or less), to moderate (maybe you don’t like stark white walls, but still want a cozy and decorated home). Minimalism will be different for each person depending on their stage in life. But the end result is that you are left with more time, more money and more freedom to focus on things that really matter to you.

How do you think a minimalist lifestyle would benefit you? Let me know in the comments below or send me an email at lessoftheexcess at gmail dot com.

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